Bespoke Loss Prevention Services

Eden Risk Consultants is your strategic loss prevention partner. We provide a complete portfolio of smart engineering that helps you understand, manage and mitigate your risks and enhance your business resilience.


Surveys & Reviews

Understanding risks is key to preventing them. Our site surveys and desktop reviews help you understand your potential exposures and provide cost effective solutions to mitigate risks.


Loss Prevention Training

Losses can be prevented by developing a risk management culture within your organisation. Our training is fully tailored to enable excellent hazard management.


Project Support

Where capital investment is required, we provide ongoing support to ensure works are completed to a high standard, mitigating your exposures and ensuring no new hazards are introduced.
Dan Cunningham

Dan Cunningham

Founder and Senior Risk Consultant

Having spent nearly a decade at two of the world's largest property insurers, FM Global and AIG, I have obtained loss-prevention expertise across five continents. With unique experience working with global companies to help improve their risk control, I have successfully provided support for facilities ranging from data centres and semi-con, to retail locations and manufacturing plants. 

Eden Risk now gives me an opportunity to work in close partnership with clients to develop strategic loss prevention plans that ensure longevity for your business. I am happy to offer a complete package solution or unbundled services, including surveys, reviews, project support and training for clients, contractors, underwriters and graduates.
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